
Bait is not something i have a standard setup for. i am going to be trying to target based on season going forwards but also advice from locals always sways my judgement a lot.
also dont go wasting endless money on bait - i was buying kg’s of named brands and spending a fortune to mainly lay it on the bottom of lake. Now i will check out eBay and facebook for boilie deals and also check out decathlon as they do some large bags there for cheap, then i will purchase a matching flavour in a named brand and use a small bag for hookbait.

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Fruity Baits

In the colder weather i am going all fruit and as sweet as i can get it. so i am focusing pineapple and citrus boilies and i have some blackcurrent wafters if i am trying to lift my hook off the bottom slightly or some small pineapple pop-ups

Update 2024: Citrus has not really worked for me but berry flavour is my next try in the hotter months

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Fishy Flavours

So for fish flavours like your tuna and squid i am intending to use on the hotter days if i am not trying to pull something off the top

i feel like fruit is good in the cold but fish is good in the heat - but that is my opinion with no backing with number of carp caught but they is my current feeling

Update 2024: i am reversing this practice to berry in the heat and fish in the cold

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Krill based

The only Krill based bait i buy is pellets, these usually go in my mesh bag of in the spod mix to give that extra kick in the area

Today (feb 26th) i am fishing fruit boilie with a pineapple 12mm pop-up - digged in a krill glug and krill dust. its a new lake for me so playing with some bits

Update 2024: Krill has not worked for me, so i am giving this up

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I love a good pop-up, my rigs seem to lay perfect with a 12mm white chocolate pop-up or a black current wafter and then a 15mm bottom bait
I get a perfect boyacy on the bottom, which i like to check before i cast out into the deep.
i tend to go full pop-up in the night with some boilies places in the area just to ensure i keep a live rig throughout the night. nothing more upsetting then reeling in with no bait.

Update 2024: I have so many pop-ups that i am not buying any more until i have been through these.

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Zig and Float

So this is the only time i will use plastic baits. i have my fake dog biscuits and zig floaters.
This is a pure mid-summer tactic and becuase i am watching the water i am happier using the plastic here as less chance of cracking off and leaving a live rig.

Update 2024: i need to give this more of a chance, i was at a lake today and using a zig would of cleaned up but i was determined to catch off the bottom.

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Sweet corn i tend to use as part of a spod mix and less on a hook, but this is something i feel i will change this summer and use some or a zig/float for the attraction

Update 2024: Spomb sweetcorn, add it to all mixes and just use it everywhere.

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If there are maggots for sale then use them. I dont think you can have a bad session if maggots are involved. I am not the best at creating a nice looking hootbait but if there are fish in the area the maggots will bring them in

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Tigernuts & Hemp

not something i have used as part of my mixes but many people do to make that superfood attraction.

Update 2024: Yes, Yes, Yes. This will being Carp in from far and wide. Using naturals in your mix is great.
Make sure you prepare them correctly or purchase them ready to go.

Glugs and Dust

so my 2023 season will invole glug and dust all my hookbait before it goes out. i have a tuna glug and dust combo and the same for citrus.
so what i do is have 2 pots with a bit of each in - i dip my hoobait in the glug and then rub it through the dust, with all that attactrion dissovling off it can only be helping me.

I also use the same in the spod mixes to dispurse in the water with the chunnks of chopped boilie and sweetcorn that i use in the mix

Update 2024: I use this every session now and i feel the extra matching scents really do the job.


Carp Caught








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