
Wishlist 2023


So for those that know me i am knocking about in a 2004 vauxhall astra, its done its mileage and runs on the memory of having water and oil hovering around the engine.
not through lack of repairs but noone seems to find the secret locations of these leaks and i am bored of having a stained driveway so its easier to leave it empty and do small trips

I have had the car for 15 years and the repair costs to keep it on the road are always fitting inside the £300 budget. The problem with this is i cant warrant paying out for a new/used Van when its costing me such a small amount to keep this on the road. yes i am limited to small trips (under 1hr) and it is lacking new world features but it is saving my a much higher cost i could be taking on.
A Van is the target, i am not overly fussed on the make/model but i have had a vauxhall all this time so would like to the feel of something else. L2 so i can fit all my gear in and make some good looking storage areas in the back.
One day i will say goodbye to the astra but its an economy thing right now.


As i have said in my review, the sub-sonik line as not performed how i wanted, so i want to get that changed. I think i will go back to fluorocarbon as it just seems to work with no issues. also going to go upto 18lb line on the 8000’s for that extra strength on my next France trip

Bite Alarms

The Vaders have shown signs of issues and i do not want to take the risk of losing fish or causing harm to a fish that i dont hear on the take. so my target is probably the ATT gardner alarms.

Stink Bag

To complete the set i need the SK-TEK stink bag, at the moment i am wrapping my landing net in a black bin bag. so anything is a bonus right now.


Carp Caught








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